About Us

The DPCC Executive Committee works to provide values for our Party that carry forward to guide our Vision and Mission in Carroll County, Arkansas.  The Democratic Party of Carroll County is a new and vital part of the future.

Meet Your Leadership Team

  • Chair - Margy Thompson

    Margy and her husband, Ed, moved to the Eureka Springs area upon retirement in 2009. Margy has been working with volunteers pretty much non-stop for 35 years. From PTA thru Girl Scouts and Band Mom and finally, upon retiring, joining the Inspiration Point Volunteer Fire Department. She formally joined the Democratic Party in that fateful year, 2017, and has been active with Carroll County Democrats ever since. She intends to continue to support democracy in our county, state and country, moving determinedly forward, one step at a time for as long as it takes.

  • Vice Chair - Rick DeLaney

    Rick’s journey to Carroll County started in Texas, included Tennessee and Missouri before ending up in Eureka Springs in 2010. His enthusiasm for Democratic candidates goes back to volunteering for Jimmy Carter in 1976. Rick believes in the Democratic principles that all Americans should be treated with dignity and respect, and that we all have a right to privacy and control of our bodies.

  • Secretary - Nancy Wood

    Nancy, an Arkansas native and life-long Democrat, moved to Carroll County 45 years ago and has been working as a K-12 and adult educator for the last 35 years. She currently teaches ESL in North Arkansas College Adult Education program in Berryville. Recently she completed a 10-year term on the Carroll County Library Department Board. She and her husband, Bob Masser, live on a small homestead close to Beaver, Arkansas. As a Civics teacher and Citizenship instructor, she considers defending the US Constitution and our country’s democracy vital to the health and well-being of all current and prospective citizens. That’s why she’s a Democrat.

  • Secretary - Sue Deitchler

    Linda is a 42+ year resident of Carroll County. She spent 22 years with the Eureka Springs School District, teaching Middle School Math and Social Studies. Sue is a lifelong Democrat, and loves Arkansas!

  • Candidate Support - Jean Reed

    Jean is an almost-retired Registered Nurse of 48 years (OMG!) who moved to Eureka Springs from Memphis with her spouse Linda almost 8 years ago. She became passionately involved in politics in 2017, beginning her journey by helping to organize the Memphis Women’s March (estimated 60,000 marching). She joined the Carroll County Dems in 2017, serving as VP Community Outreach for 2 terms, then as Secretary. She looks forward to building a strong local Democratic party that is responsive to the needs of Carroll County Citizens.

  • Communications - Linda Caldwell

    Linda Caldwell is a 24-year newspaper veteran, starting out in Canada and taking four years out to own and operate a Bed and Breakfast in Sedona, Arizona. After newspapers started disappearing, she was Director of the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow in Eureka Springs for seven years. She is now semi-retired and loving it.

Our Bylaws

The Democratic Party of Carroll County Arkansas bylaws establish the rules and procedures for the organization of the party. The bylaws cover topics such as the purpose of the party, the membership of the party, the officers of the party, the meetings of the party, and the procedures for amending the bylaws.